The Safety of Children and Young People at Horizon Church
Horizon Church’s commitment to Children and Young People
Horizon Church is committed to the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, the
associated State based Child Safe Standards and the ACC Safer Churches Policy. We
aim to create environments where the safety and wellbeing of children and young people is
central to our thoughts, values and actions. We are building an organisational culture where
children and young people, families and communities can feel safe and confident to
participate in Horizon activities and to raise any concerns they may have.
We believe every child and young person is created by God and filled with potential. We
want them to feel supported in the Horizon Church environment. We recognise that children
may come from diverse backgrounds and express diverse needs. We will aim within the
resource capabilities of our organization to provide age-appropriate opportunities for
inclusion and participation of children and young people in all their diversity.
We see that safeguarding children and young people is the responsibility of all of Horizon
Church: the Board, Elders, leaders, staff, contractors, students, volunteers and church
Horizon Church will seek to:
- Develop a culture of child safety at all levels of the organisation.
- Take all allegations or disclosures of abuse or neglect seriously, respond appropriately and report concerns to the relevant authorities. The safety of the child/young person will be our primary consideration.
- Empower children, young people, families and communities to participate in church activities and provide opportunities for feedback relating to children’s and youth programs.
- Value diversity and promote inclusive practices in line with the ACC Safer Churches Policy and within the capacity of the campus/church resources.
- Screen and engage volunteers who are suitable to work with children and young people, and provide quality supervision, training and support.
- Ensure children and young people who feel unsafe, or wish to raise a concern know who to talk with and feel comfortable to do so.
- Ensure staff are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children safe.
- Maintain the safety, suitability and security of our physical and online environments which children and young people access.
- Embed the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations within activities.
- Undertake regular review of procedures that document how our organisation is child safe in accordance with ACC Safer Churches Policy.
Horizon Church is a participating institution with the National Redress Scheme for
Institutional Child Sexual Abuse.
Need to Speak with Someone?
If you have questions about Horizon Church or the ACC Safer Churches Policy, should you
wish to raise a concern or let someone know about a situation where you or a young person
may be at risk of harm. Please reach out to:
- Kids Pastor – Ps Jess Pedlow
- Youth Pastor – Ps Jackson Moore
- Safer Churches – Child Protection – Ps Jess Pedlow
- Safer Churches – WHS Team – Amyjoy Armstrong
They may all be contacted on 02 9521 2933 or at [email protected]
- ACC Safer Churches National Hotline: 1800 070 511 (24hr call back)
In an emergency or in the case of immediate danger please call the Police on 000.