“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God…”
– 2 Timothy 1:6
At Horizon Youth, we believe in progressing BEYOND a moment with God, and building a lifelong relationship with Him. Check out the below ways you can get closer to God.
Bible & Journaling
The Bible is the Word of God, it’s His clearest form of communication with us and it reveals to us His heart. When we read the Bible, God’s plan and purpose for us begins to unfold. As it does, He shows us just how much He loves us, and how much He loves the world.
Where do I start?
Here’s some of our favorite parts of the bible!
- Matthew (The story of Jesus, written by one of his disciples)
- Philippians (A letter about living life in hope and following the example of Jesus)
- 1 Peter (A letter about the life we’re called to live out as Christians)
- James (A letter about mature faith and what that looks like)
- John 3 (God’s love and the price He was willing to pay for us)
- Acts 2 (The power of the Holy Spirit and how it shapes the church)
- Ephesians 4 (Unity amongst Christians)
- 1 Thessalonians 4 (Living a life that pleases God)
- 2 Timothy 1 (Fan into flame the gifts of God)
- Psalm 23 (The provision of God)
- 2 Peter 1 (The call of God over each of our lives)
How do I read the bible?
When reading the Bible it’s really helpful to get a Journal & take notes and write down things that stand out to you. SOAP is a really easy way to journal!
SOAP stands for:
Scripture. What scripture are you reading?
Observation. What parts stood out to you? Why?
Application. How can you apply what God is saying in your life?
Prayer. Pray at the end of your notes, asking God to help you apply it.
Here’s a copy of our WC22 Devotional booklet! Use this resource to guide your bible reading & Journaling.
How do you build a strong relationship with someone? You talk to them! Prayer is simply a conversation with God. It’s something you can do anywhere, anytime and you can talk about anything.
And don’t forget! A conversation is a two way street. When you talk to God, don’t forget to also listen.
Here are some bible verses to start your journey on praying!
– Matthew 6:6-8
– 1 Thesselonians 5:16-18
– Philippians 4:6-7
– 1 John 5:14-15
– Matthew 6:9-13
Worship is an act of surrender, it’s all about lifting the name of Jesus above everything happening in our lives. As we magnify God, we experience his presence & hear God speak to us. While worship is far more than this, we often worship through songs. You can worship anywhere at any time!
Here’s some great worship playlists to get you started
Church is fun, vibrant and exciting. It’s a place to hear great preaching, make awesome friends and connections, eat food, pray, praise, and worship together alongside other Christians. It is one of the best ways you can take your relationship with God to the next step!
We meet every Sunday at our physical campuses.
9:30am (includes Youth A.M) + 5pm
Sydney South West:
9am + 10:30m (includes Youth A.M)

Serving is giving time & your gifts to give back to God & his community.
We currently have 2 serving opportunities at Horizon Youth! To express interest or check it out, visit the links below!
Join the Youth media team! Photography, lighting, visuals, social media, backstage, & more!
Join the Youth Worship team! Vocalists, band, & more!
Baptism is the first step you take after believing in Jesus! It is a ritual that billions of Christians before us have done, and it is an outward expression of an inward faith in Jesus.
Acts 8:36
“As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?”
To find out more about baptism click here!
To register for one of our baptism services, click here!

Spread the word
Think about your life with God in it. Think about all the incredible things he has done and ways he has moved in your life. Now think about your life without God in it. That is the reality a lot of our friends and family live in.
As followers of Jesus, we need to share the good news of Jesus Christ that we have!
How do I spread the word?
- Inviting Friends to Youth
- Starting a Pre-Game Lifegroup in your school
- Setting an example in how you live
- Encouraging friends
- Sharing with people how God has changed your life!
- Posting about youth, church, and God on social media
- & more!
“In Year 12 I was set on fire for God. I started a school Lifegroup at lunchtimes, posted on instagram about how epic youth was, and I got 20 of my friends to Youth in my final year of high school. I did it because God has changed my life, and I knew that if he could do it in me, he could do it in my friends too.”
– Horizon Youth Leader

Time with LG Leader
Spending time with your Lifegroup leader is a great way of growing your faith, feeling encouraged, and gaining wisdom about how to do life with God. Your leaders absolutely love you Horizon Youth, and time with them keeps you moving forward in your relationship with God! Ask your leader to hang out with you now!